This is not a website,
this is the BetaMaximus-128
Outer-Space Signal Relay Beacon

This is not a website,
this is the BetaMaximus-128
Outer-Space Signal Relay Beacon

This is not a website,
this is the BetaMaximus-128
Outer-Space Signal Relay Beacon

Our space surveillance has detected a radical gas vortex about to occur in your solar gravity. This is a level zero star death. The outer two giant gas planets will soon funel heavy radiation through the gravity pulls of the planets down towards your star. This will cause the star to exchange conduction flames between itself and the giant gas planets, causing the system to rapidly heat while it collapses.
Please enjoy the free no-ad games we transmitted into your devices while your planet perishes.

Our space surveillance has detected a radical gas vortex about to occur in your solar gravity. This is a level zero star death. The outer two giant gas planets will soon funel heavy radiation through the gravity pulls of the planets down towards your star. This will cause the star to exchange conduction flames between itself and the giant gas planets, causing the system to rapidly heat while it collapses.
Please enjoy the free no-ad games we transmitted into your devices while your planet perishes.

Our space surveillance has detected a radical gas vortex about to occur in your solar gravity. This is a level zero star death. The outer two giant gas planets will soon funel heavy radiation through the gravity pulls of the planets down towards your star. This will cause the star to exchange conduction flames between itself and the giant gas planets, causing the system to rapidly heat while it collapses.
Please enjoy the free no-ad games we transmitted into your devices while your planet perishes.

More Games
Coming Soon

More Games
Coming Soon

More Games
Coming Soon

Interface Calibration, plz wait...
Interface Calibration, plz wait...
Interface Calibration, plz wait...

Transmission Engineers:
Transmission Engineers:
Transmission Engineers:

Code Translator, Environment Saver, 420 A.M.

Code Translator, Environment Saver, 420 A.M.

Code Translator, Environment Saver, 420 A.M.

Dream Inducer, Bit Corruptor, Ch. Infinite.

Support Bionightmare on Bandcamp

Dream Inducer, Bit Corruptor, Ch. Infinite.

Support Bionightmare on Bandcamp

Dream Inducer, Bit Corruptor, Ch. Infinite.

Support Bionightmare on Bandcamp